Xocai Chocolate vs Commercial Chocolate

The manner in which cacao is processed and manufactured has a significant impact on the level of flavonoids available for absorption. Fermenting, roasting, alkalizing and continual high temperatures (processes employed by most commercial chocolatiers) markedly decrease the amount of flavonoids in cacao.

Xocai, on the other hand, uses cacao that is unblanched, unfermented, sun-dried, non-roasted, unalkalized and perhaps most importantly employs a patented cold processing technique. What does this mean? It boasts at least eight times the levels of epicatechins and catechins and four times the levels of procyanidnins than cacao produced with standard processing techniques. The result is a delicious chocolate loaded with the nutrients mother nature intended!

Not All Chocolate is Equal

Xocai Chocolate vs Commercial Chocolate

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